Lesson 1: The Cycle of Fifths
​The Cycle of 5ths + the 1st and 5th notes of The Major Scale (Ionian Mode), The Natural Minor Scale (Aeolian Mode) and The Mixolydian Mode/Scale​
​If you're new to music or to the keyboard and would like more instruction, check out the two introductory lessons in Getting Started.
0:00 - 0:07
Learn & Understand Outline + Do & Practice Outline
0:08 - 1:44
Introduction + Orientation to the first six lessons
1:45 - 7:11
Learn & Understand: Explanation of The Cycle of Fifths + Enharmonic Equivalent + Using the Cycle of 5ths to find the 1st and 5th notes of the three important scales
7:12 - 13:09
Do & Practice: The 1st and 5th notes of scales beginning on C, F and B flat + Proper fingering and hand posture + Matching the pitch and listening
13:10 - 14:46
Learn & Understand: Guidance for finding the 5th note of the Major, Natural Minor and Mixolydian Scales
14:47 - 16:34
Practice Tips + Closing Thoughts; Outlines

0:00 - 1:47
Introduction + Orientation
1:48 - 3:08
Answers: E flat, A flat, D flat / C sharp
3:09 - 4:05
Answers: G flat / F sharp, B, E
4:06 - 4:54
Answers: A, D, G
4:55 - 5:24
Closing Thoughts + Reminders

Chord Progression
This video contains an explanation of lead sheets and a chord progression that is used as the foundation for countless songs.
The content of this video may seem to be a big jump from what you just saw in Lesson 1. Please be assured that the 10 Essential Lessons will provide you all the skills to understand and play this chord progression.