Getting Started
These two lessons are for people who are new to music or new to playing the keyboard. If you already know the material after reading the description of each lesson, you're welcome to move on to the Introduction to the 10 Essential Lessons.
If you're entirely new to music, it's okay if you don't grasp all the material right away. Rewind and rewatch if you need to. Take note that the important terms will be presented again in Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.
Please be seated at your keyboard when you view each lesson.
Getting Started: Lesson 1
​The musical alphabet and how to name the white keys on the keyboard.
0:00 - 0:07
Learn & Understand + Do & Practice Outlines
0:08 - 2:50
Learn & Understand: The Musical Alphabet & Keyboard
2:51 - 12:57
Do & Practice: Six exercises for learning the white keys
12:58 - 13:29
Practice Tips + Closing Thoughts; Outlines

Getting Started: Lesson 2
The black keys + important terms (flats and sharps, intervals and half steps, enharmonic equivalent)
0:00 - 0:07
Learn & Understand + Do & Practice Outlines
0:08 - 1:06
Learn & Understand: Lesson Intro + Explanation of the Sharp and Flat Symbols
1:07 - 4:02
Learn & Understand: Explanation of Intervals and Half Steps
4:03 - 6:51
Learn & Understand: Explanation of Enharmonic Equivalent
6:52 - 12:36
Do & Practice: Three exercises for learning sharps and flats
12:37 - 13:27
Practice Tips + Closing Thoughts; Outlines